Mental supports for the elders

The health deterioration causes many sicknesses among elders or chronic disease. Apart from physical, mental health should be attentively cared. Mental illness doesn’t suffer the body but it effects the mental health which causes depression, forgetfulness, frequently show uncommon behaviors, sensitive, and any other unexpected manners. The cause of their mental illness normally comes from

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Self-care for gout

Gout is the top disease found among elders. It causes from Purine use and excretion disorders. Meat, wheat, and  offal contain high Purine which contributes to an excess of uric acid in the body. It gives severe joint pain. This disease is an inherited genetic disorders. The main cause of Gout is diet and the lack

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How to diagnose diabetes

Diabetes is one of the disease found among elders due to their low body movement, weight gaining, and uncontrolled diet; high fat and sugar. Elders should consult doctors to have health checked for diabetes and other diseases. Diagnostic criteria for diabetes are 1. Plasma glucose test after fasted at least 8 hours. Diabetes describes when

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Urinary tract infection in elders

Urinary tract infection (UTIs) is mostly found in female due to the short urethral. Which easily get infected. There are many risk factors but the main one is the poor hygiene. It’s the high-risk infection disease among elders. Their uncomfortable movement and awful vision causes urinary suppression and unhygienic body cleaning, sanitation of cloths etc. These

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4 Preventing falls among elders

Elders are normally weak and have discomfort movement which cause accidents. The most found one which leads to death is falling. Falling might cause fracture, pain, brain concussion which can cause fatal accident. It’s needed to be solved. 4 methods in preventing falling among elders; Remain good health Appropriate dietary, frequent active body movement will

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